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We are on the Society for the Study of Islamicate Dialectical Disputation (SSIDD) website

We are on the Society for the Study of Islamicate Dialectical Disputation (SSIDD) website
Society for the Study of Islamicate Dialectical Disputation (SSIDD)

The Society for the Study of Islamicate Dialectical Disputation (SSIDD) is an organization relating to Munazara

Description from website:

The theory and practice of dialectical disputation in Islamicate thought and intellectual history, despite a handful of seminal contributions, remains critically under-examined in modern scholarship. The aim of this current website is to promote its exploration, and to plant the seed for an eventual Society for the Study of Islamicate Dialectical Disputation (SSIDD). Beginning with an online forum (see link in the menu above), the SSIDD will soon, it is hoped, provide an interactive and interdisciplinary venue for research collaborations, workshops, and publications–an online community of scholars dedicated to understanding the technical notions and logical structures of jadal, munāẓara, and the ādāb al-baḥth, their sitz im leben and pedagogy, the scholarly and societal contexts of their theoretical elaboration and practice, and their powerful, formative dynamics in the thought and intellectual history of Islamicate civilization.

This current website, in addition to hosting a gateway to the SSIDD Forum, will provide listings and links to relevant primary sources (pdfs of critical editions, and digitized manuscript witnesses), secondary studies (dissertations, monographs, articles), and video commentaries; a series of posts on distinct elements and strategies of variant dialectical theories, and on illustrations of Islamic dialectic in action (as culled from reports and transcribed debates); and further links to relevant researchers, professors, and projects.

Link to the Website