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Non-Religion Weekly Reading Circle-Turkey

This weekly reading circle is organized by Non-Religious Beliefs and Practices in Turkey (NBPT) project team to get more familiar with growing literature on nonreligion. And even more importantly we aim to get to know each other's academic interests and create a team cohesion in conceptual framework through regular meetings. Every week, we will read one (two if they are related journal article/book chapter) article and discuss it in an hour online zoom meeting. In the first 20-25 minutes, there will be a presentation by one of the participants, then we will open the floor for discussions. Two professors from Turkey will also attend the sessions.

First three weeks are organised along with the concept clarification and for some preliminary theoretical discussions. Afterwards the group will select readings inline with project priorities and students interests. Possible sub-topics may include “Non-religion as a discursive practice”, “Non-religion in Muslim Majaority Context” “Non-religion between identity and positionality” Non-religion and health & educaiton & environment & migration.

We meet every week on Tuesdays at 18:30 through zoom. If you like to join our weekly reading circle please email us at nonreligionturkey@ihu.edu.tr